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Sistemas de seguridad Mira, S.L.

focuses on the design, development and manufacture of advanced components for fire detection systems. To secure this end, our team that has over 35 years experience, is highly motivated to offer leading-edge products to our customers.

Our philosophy


Aware of the importance of choosing a good equipment, we want to offer installers a reputable product in daily practice, with the best quality - price rate taht we can offer.

So, focusing our efforts on the design and manufacture, we leave other superfluous matters to be resolved with austerity, allowing installation professionals and distributors to give products a larger presence in the market because they are “Competent and Competitive”




S.S .Mira has all the technical means available for the development and the design of devices such as Test and Analysis Tunnels for detectors, as well the most advanced in the fields of electronics, robotics and automated controls, thus ensuring the highest quality and reliability in all products.


Miembro de:


Plaza Fábrica Nova, 13. Bajos

08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú


Tel.: (34) 938 106 635

Fax: (34) 938 106 636



C/ Zamora, 51 bajo

36203 VIGO (SPAIN)

Tel.: (34) 986 470 077

Tel/Fax: (34) 986 480 401

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